About Us
In our position as a consulting company, we arrange contacts between
German and Japanese companies. We are located in the city of Neu-Isenburg
which is just south of Frankfurt/Main. Due to its reputation as one of the most
important European financial and trading centers, being the headquarter of the
European Central Bank since 1998, with major trade fairs and one of Europe‘s
largest international airports, the global metropol Frankfurt has already
attracted many Japanese businesses.
As our company employs Japanese and German statt alike, we are capable
of understanding the peculiarities of both countries. We profit from many
years of experience in dealing with Japanese companies and maintain close
contact with expert staff in both countries in the fields of translation,
interpretation as well as journalism.
Due to our genuine effort we are constantly succeeding in merging first
contacts between Japanese and German companies into solid business
Deutschland Japan - Business Services
Jun Ueno
Founder and CEO